24–28 Jun 2019
Europe/Vienna timezone

Two Courses on Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Political, Legal and Technical Aspects’ and Intensive Policy Course on "Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty: Political, Legal and Technical Aspects"

Not scheduled
Poster Theme 5. CTBT in a Global Context


Asra Hassan (Muslim Youth University)


  1. Keeping in view this concept, I believe that the courses which I attend at the Preparatory Commission for Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) namely: CTBT’s Advanced Science Course and Diplomacy and Public Policy, built my understanding to comprehend the complex debate surrounding nuclear non proliferation and disarmament in general and the politics behind nuclear testing in particular. Additionally, Theoretical and practical experience which I gained from field visits, Table-top exercise and Executive Council simulations helped me to formulate a course titled: Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty: Political, Legal and Technical Aspects’ for MY University. It is a three credit course and offered as a part of bachelor’s programme for international relations to university students. This course enables the students to confront the challenges of the twenty-first century’s shifting security landscape and also promotes recognition of the importance of the CTBT. 2. a two-week Intensive Policy Course on "Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty: Political, Legal and Technical Aspects". The central theme behind this endeavor is to increase the awareness and stimulate understanding of the Treaty in order to promote its entry into force and universalization.

Primary author

Asra Hassan (Muslim Youth University)

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