Can high-precision methods of seismic monitoring for earthquakes and explosions find application for broad areas?
Paul Granston Richards
(Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University)
Continuous assessing of the Reviewed Event Bulletin with waveform cross correlation
Mikhail Rozhkov
Identification of repeating seismic events using diffusion maps
Yuri Bregman
(Soreq Nuclear Research Center)
Machine learning for emulation of seismic-phase travel times in 3-D earth models
Stephen Myers
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
NET-VISA: Evaluation of event location performance compared to SEL3, and NEIC PDE
Istvan Bondar
(ELKH Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences)
Recent Improvements on the Broadband Seismic Network of Iran (Implementing tuned Seiscomp3 and Automatic Online Moment Tensor Inversion)
Saeed SoltaniMoghadam
(International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES))
The machine-learning tool NET-VISA from cradle to adulthood - The next generation system of the IDC and the SnT process
Ronan Le Bras
(CTBTO Preparatory Commission)