Poster presenter attendance on: Thursday 27 June from 16:30 to 18:15
Presentation materials
Numerous studies have shown for small regions monitored by a sparse network, that modern methods of detecting and locating clusters of seismic events are orders-of-magnitude more effective that traditional methods (which analyze events one-at-a-time). But can modern methods be effective over broad areas? We describe practical experience answering this question in application to a large region...
The Reviewed Event Bulletin (REB) of the IDC includes more than 550,000 events with associated seismic and infrasound phases. Continuous comparison of the event hypotheses tested as REB events during routine interactive analysis with these historical events allows for significant improvement of the REB consistency. We use the method of waveform cross correlation (WCC) for assessment of the...
In this work, an advanced machine learning technique named diffusion maps is applied for automatic identification of repeating seismic event clusters such as an aftershock sequence. Identification of such a sequence will help to lighten the analysts’ burden and to allow for timely production of reviewed bulletins. The proposed methods begin with a pre-processing stage in which a time–frequency...
We develop a machine learning approach to emulate seismic-phase travel time calculation through a 3-dimentional (3-D) Earth model. Our goal is to establish a computationally efficient way to implement 3-D Earth models in real-time monitoring systems and enable routine utilization of 3-D models in basic research. Seismic-phase travel times computed using a 3-D Earth model can reduce travel-time...
The CTBTO's International Data Centre is in the final stages of implementing NET-VISA to perform the automatic association and location steps in the next generation IDC software. NET-VISA applies a Bayesian approach with a forward physical model using probabilistic representations of the propagation, station capabilities, background seismicity and noise statistics to obtain the maximum a...
Iran plateau is known as one of the highest seismic active regions in the world. Therefore, it is very important to know quickly about the location and the source mechanism of large earthquakes. The broadband seismic network of Iran was established since 1998 with 4 broadband seismic stations by International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES). During last few years the...
A research concept presented on a poster at the very first SnT conference in 2011 has resulted in a fully-fledged operational software product named NET-VISA. It has become one of the tools used by the International Data Centre (IDC) waveform analysts to review and improve the SEL3 bulletin and produce the REB, one of the finest global seismological bulletins, and the only one to combine...