Poster presenter attendance on: Wednesday 26 June from 17:30 to 18:30
The On-Site Inspection Action Plan (OSI-AP), CTBT/PTS/INF.1343, serves as a tool for furthering OSI capabilities towards the establishment of a balanced, coherent, and robust verification regime at entry into force (EIF) of the CTBT. In furtherance to the objectives of OSI-AP, an experts meeting was held on 7-9 March 2018 to consider issues relating to OSI GVOB and position finding....
A ruggedised, gamma-gamma based system for in-field, real-time measurements of environmental samples has been developed at GBL15. This is specifically designed to enable measurement restrictions, such that it can support OSI activities envisaged under the CTBT. In restricted mode, only the 17 OSI relevant radionuclides are measured, with zero information recorded regarding other radionuclides....
Under the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), On-Site Inspection (OSI) is the final CTBT tool to be used for proofing suspicious nuclear explosions after entry-into-force of the treaty. Over a decade, a huge attention has been paid on the development and testing of On-Site Inspection (OSI) procedures, techniques, and equipment to reveal whether or not underground nuclear testing...
Under the Comprehensive-Nuclear-Test-Ban-Treaty a State Party can request an on-site inspection to establish whether or not a nuclear explosion has been carried out. Gamma radiation measurements would form a key component of the operation. However, the inspected State Party may declare up to 50 km^2 of restricted-access sites (RAs) each of area up to 4 km^2. We have developed the Silicon...
One of the problems in OSI subsurface techniques development is uncertainty of potential target objects. In general approach (which includes OSI modelling) the zones of explosive disintegration are presented in simplified form – as a vacuous cavity with area of active crush around it. Real situation is described by more complicated model with presence of other disrupted areas, including spall...