24–28 Jun 2019
Europe/Vienna timezone

CTBT and role of the CYG in the Korean Peace and denuclearisation process

25 Jun 2019, 16:30
Forum (Hofburg)



Oral Theme 5. CTBT in a Global Context T5.3 Capacity Building, Education and Public Awareness


Marzhan Nurzhan (Abolition 2000 Youth Network)


The nuclear crisis in the Korean peninsula is a long-standing problematic issue which constitutes a threat and challenge to global peace and security order.DPRK`s nuclear tests have demonstrated the increasing technical capacity of their nuclear weapons program and served as acts of provocation and conflict escalation.Conversely, the recent steps by DPRK to place a moratorium on nuclear testing and destroy a nuclear testing facility serve as confidence building measures which have helped the Inter-Korean peace process.However, these steps have not been sufficient to overcome suspicions from the USA or the international community, nor to free up the blocks in the DPRK-USA process.Further progress by DPRK to verifiably proscribe further nuclear testing would be of enormous benefit to the diplomatic processes, and serve as incremental steps towards full denuclearisation.The CTBT and CTBTO can play important roles in this process, possibly even resulting in DPRK signing the treaty, so long as there is public and international support for such incremental measures as well as incentives for DPRK to join the CTBT.A helpful factor will be to engage youth in public promotion of the role of the CTBT in the Korean peace process. The CTBTO Youth Group could help in this regard.

Primary author

Marzhan Nurzhan (Abolition 2000 Youth Network)

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