24–28 Jun 2019
Europe/Vienna timezone

Raising Public Awareness of the CTBT: Measuring Success, Addressing Challenges

Not scheduled
Poster Theme 5. CTBT in a Global Context


Dauren Aben (Eurasian Research Institute)


In recent years, the CTBTO Preparatory Commission has been very active in raising global public awareness about the dangers associated with nuclear testing and the need for the CTBT ratification, as well as the treaty’s technical aspects. Recognizing the importance of these activities, the study evaluates, through a systematic and comparative analysis, as well as an expert survey, how successful the campaign is in communicating its message, generating positive interest, developing public support and producing behavior change among its target audiences. The study also looks at why the CTBT promoting activities are more successful in some countries than others and if they are tailored to the context, values, capacities and other attributes of local audiences, including youth. It is also useful to explore which communication tools and media provide creative and innovative ways of increasing the success of the awareness raising efforts. Based on the lessons learned, the study provides recommendations on approaches to maximize the effectiveness of the CTBTO outreach initiatives and to engage relevant national and international stakeholders with the aim to create a global culture against nuclear testing and to facilitate the treaty’s entry into force.

Primary author

Dauren Aben (Eurasian Research Institute)

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