24–28 Jun 2019
Europe/Vienna timezone

Cloud platform as instrument to enhance capabilities of remote users (data processing and training)

Not scheduled
Poster Theme 5. CTBT in a Global Context


Leonid Kolesnykov (Main Centre of Special Monitoring, State Space Agency of Ukraine)


In 2016, the cloud platform for the processing of geophysical data was deployed in NDC-UA. NIAB package is used as a base, which can be installed entirely or partially, for example separately Seiscomp3 or Geotool. However, it is possible to install another software. The deployment of the cloud platform in NDC-UA solved the issue of technical resources, greatly reduced the time for the installation and maintenance of software, and if necessary, allowed the rapid migration of the system. Taking into account that MCSM, which includes the NDС-UA, has a territorially distributed structure, the use of the cloud platform has made it possible to effectively involve remote staff, including experts, who can now conduct a full analysis of the emergency situation wherever where the Internet is available. In addition, the platform turned out to be an effective way of conducting of trainings with universities students, which has proven itself for several years. Having a positive experience of using of the cloud platform in NDC-UA, we offer it for testing and subsequent use in other NDCs. Also, it would be appropriate to use the cloud platform in the Capacity building system during trainings and in the work of CTBTO experts.

Primary author

Leonid Kolesnykov (Main Centre of Special Monitoring, State Space Agency of Ukraine)

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