24–28 Jun 2019
Europe/Vienna timezone

CTBTO IMS Contribution to SDG:14 Life Below Water


Ilya Kursenko (Youth Group Member)


Tsunami waves, volcano eruptions, underwater explosions, whales, cyclones are the major sources of hydro acoustic signal from all around the world. Those signals are verified by the CTBTO IMS, having 3 out of 11 HA IMS stations located in the Indian ocean. Surprisingly, insufficient research has been conducted regarding the area’s sustainability, particularly incorporating CTBTO capacity to contribute. In this study, the notable records of HA04, HA08, HA01 (IMS) have been analyzed between 2016 and 2018 pursuing the purpose to define the sources of hydro-acoustic signals. There are more than 4 Cyclones in the Indian Ocean annually and combined with the local seismic stations they are now able to track the cyclones path like the accurately spotted 22/12/18 Tsunami wave . Previous research shows IMS capacity to detect whales and other species . Annual Whale Festival (June-August) has also been monitored in the eastern part of Madagascar . In this regard the diverse dimensions of IMS contribution to SDG14: Life below water are discovered.

Primary author

Ilya Kursenko (Youth Group Member)

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