24–28 Jun 2019
Europe/Vienna timezone

Awareness of the Radionuclide Monitoring Technology for Myanmar’s students

Not scheduled
Poster Theme 5. CTBT in a Global Context


Zin Wai Myint Zinwai Myint (Ministry of education)


The radionuclide monitoring technology, one of the four monitoring technologies used by the CTBTO for detection nuclear explosion, was introduced to the undergraduate students at Technological University. The main objectives of the presentation is to increase knowledge how the CTBT is carrying out the treaty of nuclear weapons test and how the air sample are monitored, detected and sent to the International Data Center (IDC) in Vienna to know the radioactive particles content. About two years ago, introducing of the CTBT’s educational material is only for graduate students. Now, not only the introducing the goals of CTBTO but also the detail progress of radionuclide monitoring technology that was studied from the technical visit of (PGEC) course sponsored by IAEA, could be presented to the undergraduate students. In this paper, students will be explained the each step of the function in Radionuclide Monitoring Station Rn-42 such as air sampler collect the radionuclides from the environment with a filter, sample filter is prepared to count in Gamma detector and the result data in computer are sent directly with satellite, VSAT to IDC. This discussion is the first step of sustainable learning for undergraduate students who will continue studying about the CTBT’s performance.

Primary author

Zin Wai Myint Zinwai Myint (Ministry of education)

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