It has been demonstrated that education, health and income are the three more important capacity generators for human beings. It is proposed the design and implementation of an educational collaborative online game, mission-oriented, to increase awareness on SDGs, to promote CTBT and CTBTO and to strengthen democratic, local and global values. It simulates the organization of the CTBTO, uses the scientific and technical capacity of this organization, the different kind of information available at CTBTO and related, for carrying out and solving different mission in which SDGs and targets are involved. But in the same way there could have specific missions related to onsite inspections, negotiations for abandoning a clandestine or declared nuclear programme by a country, among others. It is designed to complement classroom and homework activities. It provides means for mission designing, solution process and reporting. It should be designed taking into account the common ethical values that underlie school curricula of different countries. Although students are the main audience of the game, it is important to include people outside school.