The National Institute for Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS) in Trieste (Italy) in cooperation with the Italian CTBTO National Authority is offering its Cludinico (CLUD) seismic station as a Cooperating National Facility (CNF) to the CTBTO: as outlined in Pesaresi and Horn (2015) the additional data from the Italian CNF improve the CTBTO location capabilities in the Europe/Middle East area of about 21%. In this presentation we will illustrate technical details of solutions adopted to incorporate the Italian CNF into the CTBTO IMS: evaluation of data acquisition systems, CTBTO Standard Station Interface (SSI) hardware and software procurement, operation and tests, UPS upgrade, anti-tamper device operations, CTBTO GCI installation and test, security measures installation. Reference: Pesaresi, D., and Horn, N.: Improving CTBTO monitoring capabilities: the Italian proposal for a CNF, CTBT Science and Technology 2015, Vienna, Austria, 22-26 June 2015, T4.1-P31, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.2862.1927, 2015.