24–28 Jun 2019
Europe/Vienna timezone

The Intrinsic Value of CTBTO Workshops, Training Programs, and Expert Meetings

26 Jun 2019, 12:15
Forum (Hofburg)



Oral Theme 5. CTBT in a Global Context T5.3 Capacity Building, Education and Public Awareness


Jenifer Mackby (FAS)


The Workshops,Training Programs and Expert Meetings of the CTBTO contribute significantly to optimizing the monitoring and verification of the CTBT, exchanging knowledge, strengthening the engagement of the scientific community, and identifying how scientific developments and cooperation can support national needs and the CTBT, all of which are goals of the 2019 SnT. Few people outside of Vienna know about these valuable workshops and programs.They have included a recent workshop on drilling in on-site inspections, and some of the many upcoming programs in 2019 include: NDC capacity building on analysis of radionuclide and waveform IMS data and IDC products, radionuclide training for station operators, Latin America and Caribbean infrasound training for NDCs.The workshops aim to achieve an understanding of the verification regime, build capabilities of the National Data Centres, provide expertise about using IMS data and IDC products, support practical experience in analyzing IMS data, build up national and regional capacities in implementing the Treaty, and increase participation in the verification regime. This presentation will describe the many workshops and training programs, the added value that they have imparted in the regions addressed, the significance of transmitting knowledge to future generations, and their contribution towards entry into force of the Treaty.

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