24–28 Jun 2019
Europe/Vienna timezone

Challenges to innovative solutions, transparency and application of verification technologies in Non- Signatory, Annex 2 states in the modern era.

Not scheduled
Poster Theme 5. CTBT in a Global Context


Hamzah Rifaat Hussain (Air University, Islamabad)


Non- signatory Annex 2 states are embroiled in difficult geopolitical situations, prone to conflict and misunderstandings. The arms race in the subcontinent and tensions on the Korean peninsula has exacerbated challenges towards sustainable peace and made instant signing of the CTBT elusive. However, there is still room for innovative solutions to be explored given the enormous literature which exists on weapons development in both regions and the international community acknowledging that de-escalation is preferred. The necessity to exercise restraint and promote greater transparency between adversaries puts into perspective how innovative solutions can be implemented and what challenges to verification technologies exist. Incontrovertible evidence on the sea leg to India’s deterrence as well as Tactical Nuclear Weapons from Pakistan exists. Without transparency, the risk of accidents from domestic political considerations, escalation of bellicose rhetoric, or tensions on the Korean Peninsula or the Line of Control can take place. In light of these realities, this paper lays out challenges to the application of verification technologies in both regions and the impediments towards innovative solutions by making a case that geopolitical scenarios, right wing governments and escalating tensions pose significant challenges towards de-escalation and mitigation of conflicts for non signatory, Annex 2 states.

Primary author

Hamzah Rifaat Hussain (Air University, Islamabad)

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