24–28 Jun 2019
Europe/Vienna timezone

National Data Centre's Training Cycle Approach

Not scheduled
Poster Theme 5. CTBT in a Global Context


Abdelouaheb AGREBI (CTBTO)


The overarching objective of the Capacity Building and Training (CBT) programme is to support the participation of the States Parties in the CTBTO verification regime, by providing the necessary tools, training and equipment for the NDCs. This is envisaged by, inter-alia, assisting the States Parties in developing the technical capabilities in receiving, processing and analysing International Monitoring System data at the National Data Centres, and use of IDC products. In its efforts to optimize its training program within the available resources, the Capacity Building and Training Section in The International Data Centre has adopted the Training Cycle Approach (TCA). The objective of the Training Cycle Approach is to efficiently conduct a series of interrelated training activities that help the States Parties in building and enhancing their capacity in using the IMS technologies and IDC products, and at the same time to promote networking among different NDCs. The focus of the TCA is on improving the NDC staff analytical skills by providing them with the different tools prepared by the IDC.

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