24–28 Jun 2019
Europe/Vienna timezone

Plan to develop CTBTO network in Vietnam

Not scheduled
Poster Theme 5. CTBT in a Global Context


Hao Quang Nguyen (Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety & Control (VARANSAC))


  • learn about techniques used in the verification regime of CTBT – exploit IDC data for verification purpose and for scientific research and civil application – improve the knowledge and experience on the techniques so that can give the government the advice on the technical issues when necessary- - Enhance the knowledge on CTBT and technical issues by exploiting E-learning, CTBTO forum on internet. - Participate in the exercises held by PTS or state parties such as NPE exercise, common exercise as doing in this such as NPE exercise, common exercise … - Strengthen the knowledge technical skill of NDC staffs through technical training course, workshop, either domestic or abroad, hold by CTBTO, IAEA… - Exploite softwares of NDC-in-a Box provided by CTBTO to analyze IMS data for improving NDC analysis skills of NDC staffs, including: - Carrying out the analysis of spectra of RN stations of IMS by using Openspectra for Particular radionuclide and Norfy for Radio-Xenon - Practicing the Atmosphere Transportation Modeling ATM software (webgrape) and Geotool (for analysing seismic data) to gain experience and skill in operating them to build technical ability.

Primary author

Hao Quang Nguyen (Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety & Control (VARANSAC))

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