24–28 Jun 2019
Europe/Vienna timezone

Inclusive approaches and multi levels team building impacts on increasing the IMS and NDC facilities availabilities: a case study of Senegal

Not scheduled
Poster Theme 5. CTBT in a Global Context


Cheikh Amadou Bamba Dath (Direction des Systèmes Informatique de l’Université cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD))


Many african countries are holding IMS stations and National Data Center (NDC) to fulfill their responsibilities on behalf of the CTBTO and the treaty. So facilities operating has usually placed under the personsibility of station operators, NDC authorized staff or other institutional focal points. In many cases, the facilities are located in fare areas where visits for maintenance or supervision by designated staff are not easy to organize in terms of material and financial provisions. Communications and informations about the CTBTO and the treaty provisions and IDC data applications and importance among decision makers, universities researchers, general services staff, including electrical and ICT technicians , living or working in focal points instittutions, sites facilites, former agents involved in operation and maintenance of the CTBTO equipments were developed during the last years. This approche combines formal and informal considerations to overcome lake of financial support, human resource, material resource. The result was the establishment of an inclusive multidisciplinary communauty, serving as the treaty principles and helping in the mainteance of equipements and communicating with officially appointed focal points in regard to reduce time and cost related to supervision, maintenance and by the way increasing the availability of the facilities.

Primary author

Cheikh Amadou Bamba Dath (Direction des Systèmes Informatique de l’Université cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD))

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