24–28 Jun 2019
Europe/Vienna timezone

Waiting to the eight: Billions people and CTBTO committed for a safer world

Not scheduled
Poster Theme 5. CTBT in a Global Context


Cheikh Amadou Bamba Dath (Direction des Systèmes Informatique de l’Université cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD))


As of september 2018, 184 states ouf of 196 signed the nuclear test ban treaty with 167 ratifications. In a other hand, this means that more than 4,3 billions people residing in the ratifying countries are committed to the treaty principles. Otherwise,it is mandatory to have the ratification of countries listed in the annex 2 , for the entry into force of the treaty. 8 states out of the 44 manadatory ratifications are still remaining. In this paper, we highlight with statistical analyses the engagement in favor of the treaty and in a safer world and draw the attention of the other coutries that the wold are waiting of their prompt action to go straight for a safer world. We underline, based on 2019 projections, that near 55% of the world population and representing more than 83% of habitable land ban nuclear test. To generalize for the whole earth including ocean and land, we can say according to our analyse that 95% of the planet area are under nuclear test ban. The results is in a other hand a call to the 8 counrties to join the path being drawn for nuclear test ban and peace by the world.

Primary author

Cheikh Amadou Bamba Dath (Direction des Systèmes Informatique de l’Université cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD))

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