24–28 Jun 2019
Europe/Vienna timezone

Role of Civil Society Organizations for education and public awareness

Not scheduled
Oral Theme 5. CTBT in a Global Context


Malam Issa Rabiou (Haute Autorité Nigérienne à l'Energie Atomique (HANEA))


Role of Civil Society Organizations for education and public awareness in NIGER The role of the CTBTO is to detect any atomic explosion on the planet to take steps to prevent the current nuclear-armed countries from continuing their tests, and the States that do not have nuclear weapons to not acquire them. In addition to this mission, it can make available to scientists data for civilian applications, such as nuclear and radiological applications and emergency preparedness. The CTBTO also ensures that countries and institutions have a science-policy interface for wide dissemination of scientific knowledge to both decision-makers and the general public in general. In the face of the emerging arms race and the heightened risks of a terrorist nuclear attack, the insecurity of nuclear weapons systems in the face of cyber risks, as well as the use of emerging technologies, poses risks to systems that are associated with them. It is imperative that, we civil society organization, mobilize ourselves to influence the authorities for the introduction of the knowledge of the missions of the CTBTO into our education system from primary to university for a general culture of peace and a life without arms and nuclear tests.

Primary author

Malam Issa Rabiou (Haute Autorité Nigérienne à l'Energie Atomique (HANEA))

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