24–28 Jun 2019
Europe/Vienna timezone

Adaptable turnkey solution for Infrasound station

25 Jun 2019, 11:00
Rittersaal (Hofburg)



Oral Theme 4. Performance Optimization T4.1 Network Optimization


Rémi Jean Yves Colbalchini (CTBTO)


In collaboration with the CTBTO engineering division, Enviroearth acquired step by step experience and expertise in the whole understanding of the infrasound monitoring station infrastructure. With the objective to homogenize existing and future IMS Infrasound stations, Enviroearth technical division contributed to redesign the infrasound station as a set of optimized, interchangeable and all interconnected modules. Some module’s design comes from the Commission’s field experience, when the others are the result of our own research and development studies. According to the specifications of the end-user and to the station environment, it will be necessary to select between several modules for: Wind-Noise Reducing System/ the Communication and the Power Supply systems/ Sensors /Digitizers, etc. Each module is the result of a technical studies and feedback of our long experience of stations upgrade on field and will be composed of: - A complete and optimized technical solution - A set of data sheet - A list of pros and cons depending of the station particular environment The aim of this complete study is to present a simple, adaptable and turnkey solution for the installation of an Infrasound Monitoring Station, always targeting a continuous improvement of the robustness and sustainability of the IMS network.

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