24–28 Jun 2019
Europe/Vienna timezone

More Mission Less Money - How to Effectively Optimize Your Network Through Total Life Cycle Management

25 Jun 2019, 11:30
Rittersaal (Hofburg)



Oral Theme 4. Performance Optimization T4.1 Network Optimization


Stephen Poindexter (AFTAC)


Nuclear treaty monitoring is dependent upon a reliable sensor network to achieve mission capability. However, a failure to effectively plan, execute or manage your network through its entire life cycle will result in performance degradation potentially threatening successful event detection. AFTAC’s Center of Engineering Excellence has developed a comprehensive approach to total life cycle management to optimize network performance while minimizing total ownership cost and risk. This holistic approach focuses on rigorous understanding of key performance parameters, robust system design principles and detailed support concepts that are required to ensure desired mission capability objectives are met. AFTAC Systems Engineers successfully implemented this technical management framework with tremendous results including increases in network data availability, quality and timeliness while achieving unprecedented levels of cost savings across the organization.

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