24–28 Jun 2019
Europe/Vienna timezone

Effective Management of OSI Equipment and Software

Not scheduled
Poster Theme 4. Performance Optimization


Aled Rowlands (CTBTO Preparatory Commission)


The On-Site Inspection Division has long-operated an off-the-shelf asset management system to record and track items. While such systems have their place, the need for cross platform integration and Treaty specific considerations has led to the development of a bespoke system for managing OSI equipment and software that is fully integrated with other OSI data management systems. The system is in line with the standard operating procedure on equipment certification, which includes equipment authentication, calibration, testing and certification for OSI deployment. RFID tags are employed to record and track items as they move around the Equipment, Maintenance and Storage Facility in Seibersdorf and also out of the facility for maintenance, training, testing and exercise purposes. The system incorporates the concept of alternative configurations to meet a particular OSI capability e.g., the airborne multi-spectral system is comprised of up to five sensor systems that can be installed on different airframes i.e., several different possible configurations of the same sensors. The system hierarchically identifies current status and logs all activities performed on an individual item or system and provides a ticketing interface for preventative and reactive maintenance. It is a browser-based system and is fully deployable for OSI activities.

Primary author

Aled Rowlands (CTBTO Preparatory Commission)

Presentation materials