24–28 Jun 2019
Europe/Vienna timezone

Build up Exercises to Validate OSI Capability Development

Not scheduled
Poster Theme 4. Performance Optimization


Gustavo Haquin Gerade (Israel Atomic Energy Commission)


On-Site Inspection (OSI) capabilities comprising inspection methodology, equipment and techniques development, training of surrogate inspectors and infrastructure, have been considerably developed within the framework of the comprehensive OSI Action Plan 2016-2019 approved by State Signatories. The application of various techniques including data analyses and integration is at the heart of an OSI. Field exercises, conducted on a regular basis, are a true testing ground for the application of OSI technologies close to real-life conditions. In 2016, the Preparatory Commission approved an ambitious OSI Exercise Plan including the conduct of three Build-up Exercises (BUE) covering all inspection phases, aimed at validating key deliverables of the Action Plan projects. Two field BUEs will be held in Slovakia in 2020, with – for the first time – aspects of all 17 inspection techniques permitted under the Treaty being exercised. Preparation and conduct of such a major undertaking requires both close coordination with the host country and support from States Signatories. Surrogate inspectors will participate as Inspection Team or Inspected State Party members. The poster provides an overview of the objectives and scope of the BUEs, information on preparations for this PTS-wide endeavour and elaborates on inspection activities and techniques that shall be tested.

Primary author

Gustavo Haquin Gerade (Israel Atomic Energy Commission)

Presentation materials