24–28 Jun 2019
Europe/Vienna timezone

CTBTO Link to the ISC Database

Not scheduled
Poster Theme 4. Performance Optimization


Dmitry Storchak (International Seismological Centre (ISC))


The Link to the database of the International Seismological Centre (ISC) provides both PTS and National Data Centres a dedicated access to datasets maintained by ISC using specially designed graphical interfaces and database queries. This service gives access to several products: the ISC/ISS bulletins of natural seismicity of the Earth, mining induced events, nuclear and chemical explosions; the ISC-EHB bulletin and the IASPEI Reference Event list (GT) and ISC Event Bibliography. The database searches are tailored to the needs of the monitoring community and divided into four major categories: the Area based spatio-temporal search (based on ISC Bulletin), the REB based spatio-temporal search (based on specific REB events), the GT event based search and the IMS station based search (historical reporting patterns of stations close to IMS sites). We recently completed a major overhaul of the whole system, streamlined the database queries and user interfaces. The service has been extensively used by the NDCs and PTS and proved useful during a number of CTBTO Exercises.

Primary author

Dmitry Storchak (International Seismological Centre (ISC))

Presentation materials