24–28 Jun 2019
Europe/Vienna timezone

Data Availability and Quality at IMS Stations and Local Networks

Not scheduled
Poster Theme 4. Performance Optimization


John Opiyo Akech (National Council for Science & Technology)


Experience gained through capacity building activities of the CTBTO in the use of IMS data and IDC products has greatly influenced many developing countries to introduce policy measures to support and invest in the verification regime of the CTBTO through science technology and innovation.The participation of more state parties through workshops,training's,on line modules etc has greatly strengthened the deployment of the CTBTO verification technologies and similar technologies for civil and scientific gains. Kenya hosts two IMS stations as part of the verification regime of the CTBTO. Besides the government has also invested in similar technologies throughout the country to capture smaller events which are not necessarily recorded by the global networks.This has helped to integrate treaty monitoring functions into the national operations and procedures to enhance performance. The aim of this study therefore is to highlight the measure put in place to enhance and optimize the performance of IMS stations and the local networks and its impact on the performance of the NDC,and the social and economic livelihood of the local communities nearby through participation

Primary author

John Opiyo Akech (National Council for Science & Technology)

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