24–28 Jun 2019
Europe/Vienna timezone

The Identification and Determination of Small Peaks and the False Positive Alarm in RN Particulate Spectra Analysis

Not scheduled
Poster Theme 3. Verification Technologies and Technique Application


Jun Wang (CTBTO)


The peak detect ability (D) is defined in IDC RN analysis software SAINT to differentiate peaks from spectra that when D >= 1.0 peaks being identified; and D < 1.0 peaks not being identified. Many peaks alike with D=1 around in RN particulate spectra make the spectra complication and nuclide associations with great difficulty. Cases of peaks identification with D = 1 around will result in two different situations that one for nuclide detections missing and the other for false positive of nuclide detections. In this paper some cases of spectra analysis and laboratory reanalysis are summarized to raise this issue for further investigation and study.

Primary author

Jun Wang (CTBTO)

Presentation materials