24–28 Jun 2019
Europe/Vienna timezone

The family of the OSI

Not scheduled
Poster Theme 2. Events and Nuclear Test Sites


Ahlam Rashid Kharbat Khekan (University of Information Technology and Communication)


The OSI courses have many benefits for the participants whether they are in the course of the inspectors, the beginners' courses or the local workshops. They can develop the personal skills of the trainee through the practice which will be useful for the trainee himself and future OSI members. Working together with individuals as a team helps build strong bonds between them and allows new ideas to flourish and thus achieve goals faster, feel confident and respectful and thus make strong friendships that will grow among all, will always motivate them to give more and become a strong family. After the beginning of the ongoing 3TC training program, started in 2016 with many courses, the OSI started to work as one team benefiting from the expertise of specialists (trainers) to use the latest technologies and equipment for the inspection process. This experience built a single integrated and interrelated family despite the different traditions and countries. They celebrate their birthdays, grieve with their sorrows and communicate with different social media not only in training times but also outside training. This helps the inspectors to perform training in harsh environments, remote areas and under different conditions.

Primary author

Ahlam Rashid Kharbat Khekan (University of Information Technology and Communication)

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