24–28 Jun 2019
Europe/Vienna timezone

Atmospheric Radioactivity over State of Kuwait: fission and activation radionuclides availability and concentrations during the last five years

Not scheduled
Poster Theme 2. Events and Nuclear Test Sites


Ghadeer AlQadeeri (Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research)


The State of Kuwait signed the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in 1996, and the signature was ratified in May 2003. Kuwait-based Radionuclide Station KWP40 was endorsed by CTBTO; it is ranked 40th among 80 stations operating worldwide. The relationship between the station and the International Data Center (IDC) is cordial considering that they maintain data sharing agreements. The work of the KWP40, is to gather data on radionuclides and the correlates and in turn, sharing such data with the IDC. The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), alongside its function of gathering data, also monitors a lot of fission and activation products. The crux of this study is therefore to consider fission and activation product availability, frequencies and concentrations using the data gathered by the KWP40 station. This study also looks at the key fission and activation radionuclides which are above acceptable level in the air (level 4 and 5) and compares its ratios between the last five years and computes its causes.

Primary author

Ghadeer AlQadeeri (Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research)

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