24–28 Jun 2019
Europe/Vienna timezone

Enabling Technology to Extend Life and Utility of Hydroacoustic Systems

27 Jun 2019, 12:15
Rittersaal (Hofburg)



Oral Theme 1. The Earth as a Complex System T1.3 Properties of the Ocean


John Cummins (L3 MariPro, Inc.)


The existing infrastructure of the six Hydroacoustic System spans remote locations of the world. The first of these systems at Diego Garcia is reaching its 20 year life and consideration to the maintenance and replacement of the systems is ongoing. This presentation will discuss opportunities to incorporate advancements in active junction box design, facilitating the inclusion of wet-mate underwater fiber optic connections in any future upgrade, replacement, or repair of these systems. Recent analysis of the in-water triplet has shown that these units are likely to last much longer than the 20 year life objective. During any future maintenance or repair, the inclusion of a junction box with wet-mate fiber optic connectors could help to improve the serviceability of the system and could provide opportunity to expand the system to new co-located science research.

Primary author

John Cummins (L3 MariPro, Inc.)

Presentation materials

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