24–28 Jun 2019
Europe/Vienna timezone

Hydroacoustic Signatures “Petition” for Social Change: Curating Hydroacoustic Data to Strengthen the Implementation of Environmental Dimensions of the SDGs

Not scheduled
Oral Theme 1. The Earth as a Complex System


Kar Ching Jovita Ho (MIT Media Lab)


The main motivation of my research is to investigate how hydroacoustic data
collected from IMS technology can be curated to democratize the access to
knowledge and assessment of healthy, sustainable oceans.

My primary goal is to understand and report the progress and potential to isolate
hydroacoustic signatures that can be observed and identified as sound from
specific anthropogenic activities, particularly those pertaining to production
processes in the energy industry.

I will generate ideas about an interactive platform that can realise the implication
of my primary goal, which is to raise awareness about the lasting polluting impact
of acoustic disturbances caused by humans. The platform will draw attention to
underwater acoustic interconnectivity over large scales of space and time, and help
advance the SDGs by establishing concrete connections between agents of acoustic
pollution and observable noise events

Primary author

Kar Ching Jovita Ho (MIT Media Lab)

Presentation materials

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