Jun 19 – 23, 2023
Hofburg Palace & Online
Europe/Vienna timezone

Improve Jordan Seismological Observatory Events Location by Reducing Azimuth Gab Using Regional Seismic Travel Time Workshop Recommendation

Jun 20, 2023, 10:00 AM


Board: 56
E-poster T1.2 The Solid Earth and its Structure Lightning talks: P1.2-1, P3.1, P3.4, P4.5


Shadi Alzoubi (Jordan Seismological Observatory (JSO))


The Jordan Seismological Observatory (JSO) participated in a workshop in Nepal on improved seismic event location using the regional seismic travel time (RSTT) method. The JSO contributed with a list of selected seismic events to be analysed and tested.
After selecting the most matched event from the list and ensuring it was compatible with RSTT module specification, the result of the analysis of event location by RSTT wasn’t within the expected range. This was because of the high azimuth gab due to lack of stations coverage from all direction.
The JSO should start to solve this issue by reducing the azimuth gab by adding stations from Lebanon. Additionally, a study undertaken to add new seismic stations where no station coverage is found and by getting data from the International Data Centre or data from other seismological centers.

Promotional text

Improve JSO events location by reducing azimuth gab to meet RSTT module specifications and follow the RSTT workshop recommendation and conclusion.

E-mail [email protected]

Primary author

Shadi Alzoubi (Jordan Seismological Observatory (JSO))

Presentation materials