The Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) relies on innovation to enhance the capabilities of the Treaty’s verification regime as well as to help move the Treaty closer to universalization and entry into force. As the seventh event in the CTBT: Science and Technology conference series, SnT2023 will bring together well over 1000 scientists, technologists, academics, students, and representatives of the CTBTO’s policy making organs. In addition, representatives from the fields of research and development, science diplomacy, science advisory, media and advocacy are invited to attend the conference.
SnT2023 is scheduled to take place at the Hofburg Palace in Vienna, Austria, featuring virtual components for active online participation to support broader outreach and global inclusiveness. While restrictions on physical attendance at SnT2023 due to COVID-19 are not currently foreseen, the structure of the conference will be hybrid and remain flexible in order to adapt to any circumstances as needed.
Report and Executive Summaries:
- SnT2023 Report (Interactive)
- SnT2023 Report (PDF)
- Executive Summary (Arabic)
- Executive Summary (Chinese)
- Executive Summary (French)
- Executive Summary (Russian)
- Executive Summary (Spanish)
SnT2023 Album

SnT2023 videos