Jun 19 – 23, 2023
Hofburg Palace & Online
Europe/Vienna timezone

Waveforms from Nuclear Explosions Repository

Jun 21, 2023, 10:00 AM


Board: 4
E-poster T2.5 Historical Data from Nuclear Test Monitoring Lightning talks: P2.5, P4.1, P4.2, P4.3


Dr Victoria Oancea (Leidos)


The “Waveforms From Nuclear Explosions (WFNE)” repository was developed and is maintained by Leidos under DTRA sponsorship. It was built as a trusted data set, starting from the previous data repository “Nuclear Explosion Database (NEDB)” that was accessed in the past by numerous users in the US and international nuclear explosion monitoring community. WFNE includes detailed information (origin, bulletin, other geophysical data) on all the 2157 atmospheric, underground and underwater nuclear explosions detonated in the world from 1945 to 2017. Over 70 000 waveforms associated to 677 of the nuclear explosions ranging from digitized analog recordings for the oldest explosions to recent IMS data are included in WFNE, and their station/instrument information, as collected from many sources. The web-based access and the presentation were updated and modernized and rendered ready for active user access. Users can search, visualize and download data of interest for their own research. Data continues to be collected from newly identified sources. Recent efforts on rescue of pre-digital seismic data via scanning and digitization provide interesting data to be added to WFNE, after completeness and quality checks. WFNE will be open for the research community’s access to source parameter data and associated waveforms from worldwide nuclear explosions.

Promotional text

WFNE developed and maintained by Leidos under DTRA sponsorship includes a very large collection of raw and parametric data for all the 2157 nuclear explosions that were detonated in the world. The information provided to the research community can be accessed via a web interface.

E-mail [email protected]
Oral preference format in-person

Primary author

Dr Victoria Oancea (Leidos)


Mr Yu-Long Kung (Leidos) Mr Paul Piraino (Leidos) Dr Jeffrey Given (Leidos) Mr John Murphy (Leidos)

Presentation materials