19–23 Jun 2023
Hofburg Palace & Online
Europe/Vienna timezone

Next Generations of the Global Communications Infrastructure: The Role of Low Earth Orbit Satellites

21 Jun 2023, 10:00


Board: 28
E-poster T4.2 Systems Engineering for International Monitoring System and On-Site Inspection Lightning talks: P2.5, P4.1, P4.2, P4.3


Mr Fernando Araujo (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE))


Broadband access and low latency are available globally thanks to the increasing availability of low earth orbit satellites. There are a variety of geographical locations where the International Monitoring System stations are installed that could benefit from this type of service. Maximizing data availability and simplifying complex infrastructure -normally associated with the deployment of VSATs- and providing innovative services and applications through broadband availability would enhance not only transmission of data but also the customer experience available to a station operator in remote regions. Currently, GCI III is moving through its mid life cycle and technology refreshment; the GCI IV planning will begin in the mid term, with initial deployments within five years.
Currently there are three constellations of satellites in different degrees of deployment with some other providers in the planning stage. This paper presents the technology and explores its potential application in selected remote locations to provide an overview of potential improvements in the transmission of data. It also provides the possibility of novel applications for station operators that are typically subject to bandwidth limitations and latency issues.

Promotional text

Broadband access and enhanced reliability: Possibilities of new levels of service for IMS station operators and OSI inspections.

E-mail [email protected]
Oral preference format in-person

Primary author

Mr Fernando Araujo (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE))

Presentation materials