4–8 Nov 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

Signal arrival databases for Ground Truth infrasound events

5 Nov 2024, 11:15
M2 (VIC)



Wagramer Strasse 5, Vienna, Austria
oral Modelling and Network Processing Modelling and Network Processing


Seismo-acoustic waveform model development serves to improve both precision and accuracy in event characterization estimates through the application of more robust travel time models for infrasound signal propagation. Development requires the ability to validate models with real data against meaningful metrics. Comparisons across a suite of ground truth (GT) events provides the ability to evaluate model performance across a broad spectrum in both space and time. Current infrasound GT data is limited for several reasons, including but not limited to, a lack of acoustic signals from naturally occurring events and a lack of broad global network coverage. Data is particularly limited for regional networks where sensors are located between 100-600 km from a source of interest. Numerous boutique experiments have historically been conducted by researchers with varying degrees of openly available data; however, none of these datasets exist in a singular place. Here, we present a curated dataset of 119 GT infrasound events suitable for algorithm evaluation. Our database identifies signal arrivals and characteristics for each of the GT events, capturing all available regional signal arrivals in an open-source repository.

SNL is managed and operated by NTESS under DOE NNSA contract DE-NA0003525.

E-mail [email protected]

Primary author

Nora R. Wynn (Sandia National Laboratories)


Ms Fransiska Dannemann Dugick (Sandia National Laboratories (SNL))

Presentation materials