Jun 19 – 23, 2023
Hofburg Palace & Online
Europe/Vienna timezone

Experience of Year-Round Infrasound Observations at the Vernadsky Station, Antarctica

Jun 22, 2023, 10:00 AM


Board: 24
E-poster T1.1 The Atmosphere and its Dynamics Lightning talks: P1.1, P3.3


Mr Leonid Kolesnykov (CTBTO Preparatory Commission) Oleksandr Liashchuk (Main Centre of Special Monitoring, State Space Agency of Ukraine)


In February 2021, the Ukrainian small aperture infrasound array began recording in the Antarctic Peninsula area. This is a good step towards ensuring the implementation of the CTBT with national resources. However, only at the beginning of 2022 was it possible to organize continuous transmission of satellite data in real time. This made it possible to quickly track both regional events that took place in the area of the Vernadsky station and global ones, such as the eruption of the Hunga volcano, Tonga. The infrasound station has become an excellent addition to the set of multi-profile geophysical equipment available at the Vernadsky Antarctic station, expanding the range of use of the entire complex. It should be noted that the planned installation of the International Monitoring System infrasound array near the Antarctic Peninsula (Palmer station) has not yet taken place. Therefore, the data for a year of observations of the infrasound array at Vernadsky station can also be useful for understanding the conditions for registering infrasound in the region.

Promotional text

Infrasound technologies, which are developing at the national level, are an important part of the provisions of the CTBTO Treaty. By developing the national network, Ukraine contributes to the improvement of monitoring.

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Primary author

Oleksandr Liashchuk (Main Centre of Special Monitoring, State Space Agency of Ukraine)


Mr Leonid Kolesnykov (CTBTO Preparatory Commission) Mr Yuriy Andrushchenko (Main Centre of Special Monitoring, State Space Agency of Ukraine) Mr Yuriy Otruba (National Antarctic Scientific Center of Ukraine)

Presentation materials