Jun 19 – 23, 2023
Hofburg Palace & Online
Europe/Vienna timezone

Impact on On-Site Inspection Efficiency due to Lack of Team Building Opportunities

Jun 20, 2023, 10:00 AM


Board: 32
E-poster T4.5 On-Site Inspection Team Functionality Lightning talks: P1.2-1, P3.1, P3.4, P4.5


Mr Nalin de Silva (Geological Survey and Mines Bureau)


Despite remote waveform analysis and nuclear signatures, an on-site inspection (OSI) remains as the final verification regime for potential indicatives of ambiguous events of CTBT violation(s), which is designed to produce conclusive evidence. As the potential violator, the inspected State Party is accustomed to the procedures and tools available to the OSI, the success of an inspection depends on intuition and out-of-the box thinking by the inspection team. In most cases the scenarios that an inspection team has to address could not be foreseen, hence, critical thinking and prompt actions produces fruitful results of the inspection. As “unexpected” is the norm of such inspection, synergy of observations and knowledge of inspectors has a paramount importance towards fulfilling the OSI task.

COVID-19 situation made remote training of OSI tools and procedures mandatory, driving the Inspectorate towards semi-automatic mode providing limited opportunities for team-building, while hardly having sufficient room for diversified sentiments. Previous Integrate Field Exercises (IFE) reveals the importance of having well-coordinated closely-bounded team, with a space for constructive personal initiatives bringing into ever evolving on-field inspection progression. The OSI regime shall implement process to assess the quality of remote training compared to in-house team-building and need to device a cost-effective mechanism filling the gaps, accordingly.

Promotional text

The necessity of team building towards successful OSI is emphasized here, in an environment where remote engagement/training has become the norm.

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Primary author

Mr Nalin de Silva (Geological Survey and Mines Bureau)

Presentation materials