Jun 19 – 23, 2023
Hofburg Palace & Online
Europe/Vienna timezone

Efforts Challenges and Way Forward for the CTBT Entering into Force

Jun 22, 2023, 9:00 AM


Board: 44
E-poster T5.1 CTBT Science and Technology Policy Lightning talks: P3.5, P5.1


Mr Abdulmajeed Ibrahim (Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority)


An effective response to the threats and challenges of the 21st century can only be achieved through the coordinated efforts of the international community, through the UN and international law. Although the role and significance of the CTBT cannot be overestimated, this role has been hampered due to the inability of the CTBT to enter into force, because ratification by eight Annex 2 states is still required. Of these, three States are yet to sign the Treaty. The current conflicts can jeopardize all historical gains, resulting in another nuclear weapon arms race. Several efforts have been made to get these Annex 2 States to sign and/or ratify the Treaty. Some efforts are through diplomatic means and lobby, but these seems not to be very effective. This work reviews some of these efforts and challenges and propose effective solutions, through engagements of all stakeholders in the affected sates, including think tanks, NGOs and Government officials. I propose that a “Conference on the Entry into force of the CTBT” should be organized bi-annually until the CTBT enters into force. The venue should be rotated between the remaining eight Annex 2 states, to raise awareness and directly engage all stakeholders.

Promotional text

Entry into Force Now!

E-mail [email protected]
Oral preference format in-person

Primary author

Mr Abdulmajeed Ibrahim (Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority)

Presentation materials