Jun 19 – 23, 2023
Hofburg Palace & Online
Europe/Vienna timezone

Towards Transformative Science: Advancing Knowledge Co-Production on the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Universalization

Jun 22, 2023, 9:00 AM


Board: 47
E-poster T5.1 CTBT Science and Technology Policy Lightning talks: P3.5, P5.1


Mr Maharani Hapsari (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)


Studies on the CTBT universalization may benefit from understanding the social dimension of treaty ratification beyond techno-scientific endeavors. Within the emerging academic debate, the role of epistemic community, understood as a network of socially recognized experts in a highly technical issue, with the authority to translate scientific knowledge and social practice to certain policy outcomes, is worth considering thoroughly. This study aims at: (1) mapping knowledge production relationship involving CTBTO affiliated epistemic communities and other domestic constituents (wider people, groups and organizations) in ratifying countries (2) examining the context in which such relationships foster social learning and strengthen interests in ratification by the Annex II governments. Bringing knowledge co-production as an analytical framework aligned to the above objectives, this study examines how epistemic communities in selected states parties condition the wider cognitive and social bases of policy knowledge conducive to treaty ratification. A qualitative analysis of knowledge co-production identifies epistemic community’s roles in knowledge framing, practice, accumulation, dissemination, as well as policy and public engagement. This study argues that as CTBT becomes a global knowledge undertaking, the role of epistemic community has extended from merely providing techno-scientific bases of policy certainty to navigating the broader sociological interactions through science-policy-public interfaces.

Promotional text

This presentation offers an insight on how the science-policy interface through knowledge co-production involving CTBTO affiliated epistemic communities plays an important role in conditioning the robust social bases of the CTBT universalization.

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Primary author

Mr Maharani Hapsari (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)

Presentation materials