28 June 2021 to 2 July 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

Use of small-aperture, near-source seismoacoustic arrays in characterizing low-yield chemical explosive sources

30 Jun 2021, 09:00


e-Poster T2.3 - Seismoacoustic Sources in Theory and Practice T2.3 e-poster session


Ms Claire Perry (Canadian National Data Centre, Natural Resources Canada)


Ground-truth (GT) recordings of low-yield quarry blasts at near-source distances provide a means of assessing the accuracy of seismoacoustic arrays in detecting and characterising explosive events. Infrasonic recordings from surface explosions generally show superior signal-to-noise (SNR) ratios compared to seismic detections, however dynamic atmospheric conditions introduce uncertainty. For detection of low-yield explosions in urban environments, small-aperture arrays of collocated seismic and acoustic sensors should perform well in a greater variety of conditions. We deployed two six-node, small-aperture seismoacoustic arrays in near Labrador City and Ottawa, Canada, over month-long periods. Using an empirical approach, we develop amplitude and period scaling relationships for estimating yield at distances 3-70 km using GT event details (timing, location, explosive yield) provided by mine and quarry operators. The sources are ripple-fire detonations spaced milliseconds apart. The blast durations are ~10-30 seconds, and origin times are generally accurate to within seconds. Blast yields are 3-1000 T of TNT equivalent and associated seismic magnitudes are approximately 1.3-2.9 MW. We show that seismoacoustic data are complementary and, when combined, result in more accurate blast characterisation.

Promotional text

This study focuses on improving our understanding of seismoacoustic characteristics of low-yield explosions at near-source distances, with applications to urban seismoacoustic monitoring arrays.

Primary author

Ms Claire Perry (Canadian National Data Centre, Natural Resources Canada)


Mr David McCormack (Canadian National Data Centre, Natural Resources Canada) Mr James Morawetz (Canadian National Data Centre, Natural Resources Canada) Mr Nicholas Jason Ackerley (Canadian National Data Centre, Natural Resources Canada) Mr Reid van Brabant (Canadian National Data Centre, Natural Resources Canada)

Presentation materials