28 June 2021 to 2 July 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

Change mitigation and nuclear weapon testing/Explosion reduction: steps towards achieving sustainable development goals

1 Jul 2021, 09:00


e-Poster T5.2 - Experience with and Possible Additional Contributions to Issues of Global Concern such as Disaster Risk Mitigation, Climate Change Studies and Sustainable Development Goals T5.2 e-poster session


Ms Zile Huma (Ministry of Human Rights, Pakistan)


The fast-pace developments in scientific innovations introduced many new challenges for man-kind. The 21st century is facing many non-traditional security threats like climate change, pandemics, refugees’ crises, resource scarcity etc. Both security and non-traditional security threats pose hinderance in the process of sustainable development and disaster risk mitigation efforts.
On one hand climate disasters are putting human lives into danger by creating issues like health problems, financial crises, food insecurity and human rights issues. Similarly, nuclear weapon testing and explosions are also cause of many socio-economic and environmental disasters for mankind. Huge budgets are being spent for development of weapon of mass destruction which can be utilized to achieve various sustainable development goals.
One important problem to combat these issues is lack of responsibility on part of various nations. We need to develop mass awareness on issues like climate change and nuclear testing and explosion at grass root level through development of curriculum and media engagement.

We need to understand the link of many socio-economic problems with climate change and nuclear weapons development. In order to have an effective disaster risk management system we need to develop and implement policies which can mitigate climate change and prohibit nuclear weapon testing/explosion.

Promotional text

Climate Change/environmental and nuclear testing have common, political and socio-economic negative impacts for mankind. Both problems require collective efforts at all levels to develop effective policies and create mass awareness to mitigate disasters impacts.

Primary author

Ms Zile Huma (Ministry of Human Rights, Pakistan)

Presentation materials