June 28, 2021 to July 2, 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

CTBTO’s contribution in improving education and research quality, and mitigating climate change

Jul 1, 2021, 9:00 AM


e-Poster T5.2 - Experience with and Possible Additional Contributions to Issues of Global Concern such as Disaster Risk Mitigation, Climate Change Studies and Sustainable Development Goals T5.2 e-poster session


Mr Asad Ur Rehman (National Defence University Islamabad, Pakistan)


The International Data Centre (IDC), which is present in Vienna, receives information from the International Monitoring System (IMS). The IMS has radionuclide, seismic, and hydroacoustic stations around the globe which gather data about air quality, land and oceans respectively. This regularly updated scientific data can be used by the “students of Environmental Science and Global Environmental Politics” for the research and assessment of environmental problems such as climate change. Most of today’s research in these fields is based upon assumptions and theoretical scenarios which is inadequate to solve the environmental issues properly. The availability of the data provided by IDC to the students will equip them to perform better and precise research. This study illustrates how the availability of the scientific developments achieved by CTBTO to the students will improve the education and research quality in the member states and how the use of updated scientific data in research will help in finding proper solutions for environmental problems.

Promotional text

The study illustrates the usefulness of the CTBTO's scientific developments and data in improving education and research quality in the member states, and mitigating the climate change.

Primary author

Mr Asad Ur Rehman (National Defence University Islamabad, Pakistan)

Presentation materials