June 28, 2021 to July 2, 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

Experiences from the CTBTO online capacity building activities during Covid-19 lockdown

Jul 2, 2021, 9:00 AM


e-Poster T4.5 - Resilience of the CTBT Monitoring Regime, including Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic T4.5 e-poster session


Dr Uchenna Onwuhaka Madu (Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission, Abuja, Nigeria)


The CTBT mandated the PTS to equip State Parties with the prerequisite capacity to monitor compliance to the Treaty. The advent of Covid-19 and its associated lockdown disrupted the capacity building activities of the PTS. To minimize the perceived disruption of training activities, the capacity building team of the CTBTO adopted an online training method. Two online NDC Waveform Training Courses on using SeisComP3 were conducted by the capacity building team on 2-6 November and 23-27 November via the WebEx platform. The two courses had about 27 participants. A SWOT test of the two online training courses was done using a structure questionnaire that was administered randomly to selected participants. An analysis of the results from the study identified timeliness, excellent knowledge and topic delivery as some of the identified strengths while internet interruptions, lack of physical presence and time zone differences were perceived weakness of the online training courses. The experiences gained by the State Parties that participated in the online training will strengthen the deployment of the CTBT verification technologies for civil and scientific purposes. Further funding of the capacity building activities will enhance the ability of more State Parties in the monitoring of compliance with the Treaty.

Promotional text

The use of cutting edge technology in training activities will enhance the promotion of CTBT verification technology.

Primary authors

Dr Uchenna Onwuhaka Madu (Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission, Abuja, Nigeria) Mr Awwal Bisallah (Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission, Abuja, Nigeria)

Presentation materials