June 28, 2021 to July 2, 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

Fiber-optic gyroscope to catch ground motion: a short review of blueSeis use

Jul 1, 2021, 9:00 AM


e-Poster T3.1 - Design of Sensor Systems and Advanced Sensor Technologies T3.1 e-poster session


Frédéric Guattari (iXblue, France)


For the past 3 years, rotation of ground motion can be measured with a portable broadband instrument. Thanks to its expertise in fiber-optic gyroscope learn into navigation market, iXblue have been able to offer a product line called blueSeis to bring the unmatched performance of this technology from submarines to seismic field.
However, not everything has been straightforward, and there is still margin for improvement. So, in this presentation the most important failures that occurred during this short story will be described. Indeed, shortcomings are usually the best way to get to know someone or something better.
Early adopters are also discoverers, and the main papers and results from the use of blueSeis sensors will be summarized here to give a broad overview of what can be done with this brand new sensor.
Finally, the next steps for the development of the blueSeis product line will be revealed with the very first experimental test results of our upcoming product, which will have improved sensitivity.

Promotional text

Rotation of the ground can be measured now thanks to the fiber-optic gyroscope. This poster will share the story of the use of this brand-new instrument offered by iXblue, and share some information about future development.

Primary authors

Frédéric Guattari (iXblue, France) Mr Pierrick Auregan (iXblue, France) Dr Théo Laudat (iXblue, France) Mr Elliot de Toldi (iXblue, France)

Presentation materials