June 28, 2021 to July 2, 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

Design of Wind Noise Reduction System and Technique Application

Jul 1, 2021, 9:00 AM


e-Poster T3.1 - Design of Sensor Systems and Advanced Sensor Technologies T3.1 e-poster session


Mr Clement Bednarowicz (Enviroearth, Saint-Cannat, France)


Enviroearth has developed over the past few years Wind Noise Reduction System (WNRS) of advanced technologies that meet all the requirement and configuration for each of the infrasound stations topology over the whole IMS Network. Among the continuous improvements made to the design of these systems systematically associated with micro barometer sensors, we will mainly present the possibility of verifying the correct installation of our WNRS by carrying out a pressure test regardless of the WNRS model installed. In addition, we will introduce the reference system technology developed by Enviroearth. The objective being to compare the signal received by a sensor connected to a standard WNRS in parallel to a sensor connected to a reference system and thus to make analysis and verification on the corresponding signals received. The studies carried out on the comparison of these 2 signals provide rich information in terms of verification method as well as analysis of spectra and events.

Promotional text

Over several years Enviroearth has been working on optimizing its WNRS by supplying and deploying systems on IMS infrasound sites. Therefore, we continuously improve the design of our products to best suit the CTBTO needs and would like to share all our corresponding knowledge.

Primary author

Mr Clement Bednarowicz (Enviroearth, Saint-Cannat, France)


Mr Bastien Vanderstraeten (Enviroearth, Saint-Cannat, France)

Presentation materials