There are two CTBT infrasound stations in Chilean territory, I13Cl and I14Cl, located respectively on Easter Island and the Juan Fernandez Archipelago. During the COVID-19 pandemic, a health alert was declared by the government to reduce the movement of people in Chile and thus avoid the spread of the virus to the islands. Due to this, a reduction in the local noise levels detected in these stations for this period can be perceived. One of the main causes of this difference is that there was a significant reduction in airport activity, particularly on Easter Island. The island was closed to tourism and therefore, entry was restricted. Supply flights were authorized for the delivery of basic goods. The situation on Juan Fernandez Island was different, flights to the island were more frequent compared to Easter Island, so for I14CL much more signals and noise are detected than at I13CL. By obtaining some of the flight records from the airlines, it is possible to compare the dates of these flights with the noise indices of the years before and during the pandemic and visualize the difference of the impact of tourism to the data of this technology in both cases.
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By requesting some flight records from the General Directorate of Civil Aviation, it is possible to characterize flights performed during the pandemic and compare the noise signals from them on the two Chilean islands.
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