Jun 19 – 23, 2023
Hofburg Palace & Online
Europe/Vienna timezone

Toward Macro Seismic Intensities Computation for Bolivian Earthquakes

Jun 20, 2023, 11:00 AM


Board: 35
E-poster T1.2 The Solid Earth and its Structure Lightning talks: P1.2-2


Mayra Nieto Canaviri (Observatorio San Calixto)


Macro seismic intensities are a key factor to support the seismic hypocenter location, moreover, this kind of information contributes to sample the Mercalli Modified Intensities (MMI) felt in each city, which can vary along the earthquake ray path. In our country the MMI has been collected since the OSC-NDC foundation, however, over the last 20 years this task was discontinued due to the lack of a collection protocol. To resolve this issue, since 2018, we re-did an intensity form so people would fill it in. As a result, we produced visually appealing questions and provided check box options. As the Covid-19 pandemic started and forced institutions to migrate to digital and teleworking procedures, we implemented a digital form to fill in through tested information technologies, such as, WhatsAPP and Google Forms. MMI computation output’s goes to a database from where the expert can draw intensities curves and evaluate the effect along a city. The latest results proved that the new digital form works efficiently and enhances the maps along the region that felt the earthquake.

Promotional text

The latest results proved that the new digital form works efficiently and enhances intensity maps.

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Primary author

Mayra Nieto Canaviri (Observatorio San Calixto)


Gonzalo Antonio Fernandez (Observatorio San Calixto)

Presentation materials