Jun 19 – 23, 2023
Hofburg Palace & Online
Europe/Vienna timezone

Portable Flexible Solar Charging Pack for On-Site Inspection

Jun 21, 2023, 10:00 AM


Board: 32
E-poster T4.2 Systems Engineering for International Monitoring System and On-Site Inspection Lightning talks: P2.5, P4.1, P4.2, P4.3


Ms Jing Yang (HOPE Investment Development Co. Ltd.)


For most of the inspection area, there would be no electricity supply. The inspection team should be self-sufficient especially for the perspective of electricity supply, since that most of the mission critical or health and safety equipment would rely almost solely on electric power. This work proposes a portable flexible solar charging pack for on-site inspection activities. Flexible solar cell is a new type of energy material which is flexible in physical nature and its power capacity could be enough to provide emergent charging supply to the inspectors’ portable equipment during field operations. Via cascade connection, several solar charging units could jointly provide more power supply to other power-consuming equipment. The folding size of one solar charging unit is 29cm16.5cm, with the expansion size of 120cm29cm. Its power and weight are 37w and 0.48kg respectively. As a result, a single solar charging pack consisting of three solar charging units would have more than 100w of power capacity, with USB or other customized output connectors. The portable flexible solar charging pack has been tested under hot, humid and extremely cold environments and has other characteristics of waterproof and high reliability. The working team is looking forward to the practical test trial at the upcoming 2025 Integrated Field Exercise.

Promotional text

This work would propose a portable flexible solar charging pack for on-site inspection activities. The working team is looking forward to the practical test trial at the upcoming 2025 Integrated Field Exercise.

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Primary authors

Ms Jing Yang (HOPE Investment Development Co. Ltd.) Mr Hao Zhong (China Electronics Technology Energy Group Co., Ltd.)


Mr Peng Li (China Arms Control and Disarmament Association) Mr Xin Liu (China Electronics Technology Energy Group Co., Ltd.) Mr Hongxi Zhang (China Electronics Technology Energy Group Co., Ltd.) Mr Haibo Qiu (China Electronics Technology Energy Group Co., Ltd.) Mr Weikang Zhang (China Electronics Technology Energy Group Co., Ltd.) Mr Kun Xia (HOPE Investment Development Co. Ltd.) Mrs Zixi Jia (China Electronics Technology Energy Group Co., Ltd.) Mr Hang Xue (HOPE Investment Development Co. Ltd.)

Presentation materials