19–23 Jun 2023
Hofburg Palace & Online
Europe/Vienna timezone

Cultural Fallout: How Nuclear Testing and its Propaganda Damages Marginalized Communities

23 Jun 2023, 09:00


Board: 53
E-poster T5.4 Outreach Lightning talks: P5.3, P5.4


Ms Francesca Crema (University of British Columbia)


Nuclear testing has had devastating effects on cultures, histories, and populations worldwide. The disproportionate impacts on marginalized populations within nuclear armed states are largely excluded from mainstream narratives, which instead justify nuclear proliferation through propagandizing themes of scientific progress, military prowess, and political prestige.
The project aims to contribute an intersectional perspective through depicting the obscured narrative of underrepresented and marginalized communities, who face the greatest impacts while reaping the fewest rewards from the economic benefits and political empowerment that form the justifications for nuclear testing. We aim to highlight these experiences through creating and allowing an audience to play an interactive game that demonstrates states’ manufacturing of consent from the general population to enable their exploitation of marginalized communities. Through this, we show the fundamental role of propaganda in promoting nuclear test narratives, as well as the importance of empowering underrepresented narratives and transparency for the prevention of nuclear testing.
In contrasting the narratives promoted by the state with the testimonies of marginalized populations, this project aims to expose the true function of these justifications: as instruments of coercion used to uphold colonial, exploitative, and oppressive institutions.

Promotional text

By highlighting the experiences of marginalized groups in nuclear testing and engaging with audience members, this project aims to promote education, outreach, public information, raise awareness and understanding, and encourage diversity in discussions about nuclear testing.

E-mail [email protected]
Oral preference format in-person

Primary author

Ms Francesca Crema (University of British Columbia)


Aksh Dadwan (University of British Columbia) Ms Amber Gaskill (University of British Columbia)

Presentation materials