Jun 19 – 23, 2023
Hofburg Palace & Online
Europe/Vienna timezone

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Technology for Nuclear Disarmament: A Responsible Innovation Perspective

Jun 20, 2023, 4:15 PM
Prinz Eugen Saal

Prinz Eugen Saal

Oral T3.3 On-Site Inspection Techniques O3.3 On-site Inspection Techniques


Mr Anjan Chamuah (NUNV Project Officer: Village Resources Assam, UNDP)


In the current age of technological innovation detecting illicit underground testing of nuclear weapons is a challenging task. However, remote sensing technology like unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) is trying to provide solutions to some unresolved problems in our society and environment. UAV is a new and emerging technology that has a direct impact on the economy and society. It has a wide range of applications in many sectors like agriculture, insurance, energy and utilities, infrastructure, mining, media and entertainment. The technology is capable of capturing microscopic information with minute details and accuracy. UAVs can collect remote sensing data unhindered in adverse weather conditions even under clouds. UAVs can thus be used as surveillance technology in places where there is a threat of nuclear armament. The deployment of the technology also requires retaining values like accuracy, accountability, and efficiency. In innovations literature, the responsible innovation approach enables us to look into the question of accountability. Responsible innovation thus becomes significant as a theoretical framework. The study would address as research questions: How far technology like UAV can fulfill the objectives of CTBT? How can the framework of responsible innovation help in studying the issue of illicit nuclear testing?

Promotional text

Unmanned aerial vehicles technology and nuclear disarmament.

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Oral preference format in-person

Primary author

Mr Anjan Chamuah (NUNV Project Officer: Village Resources Assam, UNDP)

Presentation materials