26–30 Jun 2017
Europe/Vienna timezone

NDC Session: Cooperation between NDCs

28 Jun 2017, 19:00


1) "Practical example for expanding NDC capacity building" (Cooperation between NDCs from Austria, Brazil and Namibia)
Authors: Mauricio Moutinho (NDC Brazil), Ulrike Mittlebauer (NDC Austria) and Nortin Titus (NDC Namibia)
2) Palau NDC Design (Cooperation between University of Hawaii and the NDC of Palau for infrastucture support; NDC-in-a-cloud)
Authors: Milton Garces (NDC Palau, SO for IS39), M. Ngemaes (Palau NDC and National Weather Service)
3) eNIAB in Cloud Platform (Example of operating the extended NDC-in-a-box in a cloud)
Author: Leonid Kolesnykov (NDC Ukraine)

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